August Birthstone Spotlight: Peridot

Aug 02, 2012

The vivid green peridot is a gemstone shrouded in mystery. There are debates over where it was first used, how early gemstones were classified (often confused with emeralds or topazes), and even how to pronounce the name (pear-ih-doe). Nonetheless this is a stunning birthstone choice for the month of August with its soft green hues.

Peridot is a mineral named Olivine, which is found in a variety of green shades. The origins surround the peridot are somewhat mysterious. The origin of the name is unknown, as well as its early uses in jewelry. Peridot was used in Egyptian jewelry as early as 1500 B.C. Known to Ancient Egyptians as the “gem of the sun,” this stone sparkles with dazzling brilliance in natural light.

Often associated with nature and vitality, this gem signifies strength and growth in both individuals and relationships. It is possible that the peridot in antique jewelry from the 18th and 19th centuries was repurposed from ancient Egyptian pieces. Most of the Egyptian peridot came from Zabargad island, a location that was lost for many years and not rediscovered until the 20th century.

Most gemstones are formed in the Earth’s crust. However, the peridot is an exception to this rule. Like the diamond, peridot is formed in the Earth’s mantle but the diamond is formed much deeper into the mantle than the peridot.

The largest cut peridot to date came from the island of Zabargad (also known as St. John’s Island), off the coast of Egypt, and it weighs 319 carats. The peridot is currently housed in the Smithsonian Institute.

This fantastic peridot and tsavorite cocktail ring is the perfect choice for your summer wardrobe. With all of these bright greens, it’s the epitome of the summer season and will bring glamour to any occasion.

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